Full-Stack Developer Intern : Hyderabad

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First Time : Away from Home

Staying with family from childhood and suddenly you have to move for internship to other state, new people, different language, no friends, is tough to handle in beginning. You start thinking better to run away from the place and go back to home. If at that time you run away, you are never going to learn to stay alone or to be independent. At that time same happened with me, I also wanted to return back but my mentors explained me and said just stay for 15 days if you don't like that workplace then come back home. I stayed there for next 15 days and start liking the work place and my colleagues also supported me. This was the best experience I have till date....

About the Company : JALA Technologies

My intern was related to full stack development where they taught us many things from the scratch, and till the end we were able to develop a website and do its testing through automation. In starting they gave us assignments related to manual and automation testing, after completing them they assigned us with the Database assignments related to SQL which also we had completed within two weeks. After that we started learning front end technologies such as HTML, CSS, Bootstrap etc. Finally they assigned us a task to debugg company's website, if there were any errors and at last they assigned us to design a website, on completiton of which they provided us with the certificate...